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The Coffee Class Blog

A Tale of Coffee The Chinese coffee market is on a boom for the past few years. With rising coffee consumption reaching a yearly increase of over a thousand percent, Chinese residents are finding it hard to resist that delicious morning cup of Joe. It wasn’t always like this, in …

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Save Some Daylight As the days end sooner with the Winter Solstice approaching faster and faster, some people may start to feel the “cold blues” as it has been referred to by a few folks. The scientific name for it is Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as S.A.D. It is …

The Coffee Pitch

Step up to Pitch The intricacies of business often overshadow the routine parts of the business. Sure, you can understand your market inside and out, you can explain to any investor every detail of last quarter’s earnings report, and you can calculate the rate of growth per day of your …

Powered by Caffeine

Morning Blues Is that same cup of coffee in the morning not giving you the same kick of energy anymore? Need some extra energy today for an important interview? Are you finding yourself drinking more and more cups of coffee to jumpstart your day? Then it may be time to …

Robot Coffee

Call the Navy Is the robot apocalypse among us? Are we doomed to be annihilated or controlled by our own metal creations? Engineers at Arizona State University say that we are very far from such a terrible fate. Why do they say this? Because robots have yet to master the …

Fit for a President

Mr. President Read my lips, no sugar, please. So long as America has stood, her presidents have sat down with a cup of coffee every morning. Like how our British neighbors across the pond enjoy their cup of tea, it’s a simple gesture to show that even world leaders need …

Salty Coffee

Specialty Coffee Through all the coffee rituals seen in countries all around the world, it’s hard to find a match for Turkey’s coffee culture. In America, you see morning commutes to cafes, people brewing coffee when they first wake up, or making coffee at the office. Some countries like to …

Our Little Legitimate Cafe

Leave the Latte, Take the Cappuccino In the underground world of criminal organizations, having an edge on information can mean the difference between being able to spend ill-gotten gains, or having to spend a decade behind bars. But rather than bribes or other unscrupulous means of persuasion, mafia bosses in …

Coffee, What is it Good For

What is Your Order General A happy army is an effective army. Many commanders understood this reality, but what would make their soldiers happy? Having more rations? Having better clothing? Having better weapons? While having these will of course make a soldier’s day, nothing will make a soldier’s month like …

Iced Cold War If I ask you to think about the Cold War, I can safely assume that the images you get in your head are that of nuclear missiles, dapper spies, and mysterious black briefcases. What if I told you that you can go ahead and add a warm …

Can’t Beat the Facts A common misconception about caffeinated coffee is that it can cause negative effects on your heart health. While it may feel like your heart is beating out of your chest when you down a few espressos, research from the University of California shows that coffee may …

Travel by Coffee

Let’s go to the Beach With international travel hopefully making a comeback in the near future, tourists can find themselves spending thousands of dollars on their sabbaticals. If you like to start off your morning with a nice cup of brewed coffee then you might want to know how much …

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Located inside Horizon Plaza